Current Sermon Series:

Isaiah: Look Forward to Jesus Christ

8:30 or 11 am

or 12pm or 2pm in VR!


Current Sermon:

This Week:

We can choose to be directed by the scriptures and inspired by centuries of church history that tell us that mutual spiritual care among believers can offer real hope and real power to live as God desires and to overcome the troubles of soul that would hinder us.

Recent Sermons:

There is only one way to be guilt-free: the Death of Christ.  Never stop looking to the cross of Christ.

Jesus says, "You follow me." And this will lead to joy beyond compare

Jesus Christ frees and cleans your heavy, dirty soul so it can finally long to serve Him.

You see, when you know God’s purpose for your life and live out that purpose, there is no greater satisfaction.  I want every woman and every girl here today to be richly encouraged by this Gospel-saturated Truth: All women can be blessed by becoming ‘Mothers of the Living’. 

Jesus Christ is the only Priest for Mankind.


Disrobe your false priests.  They will not guide you well…and they certainly will not save you.  Instead, be covered in the priestly robes of Christ.  He is the one who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He is the one who offered Himself to purify you and give you life, and that abundantly.  

Catch up on Previous Sermon Series!

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