City on a Hill
City on a Hill
City on a Hill is a concept designed to create a physical space in our community to more clearly and fully represent the mission of Jesus. The Church in America has struggled to be relevant and approachable to the majority of its neighbors, relying too heavily on worship and teaching experiences as its primary method of engagement and blessing. The staff and elders of Cornerstone believe the Church needs to be more visibly involved in the lives of its neighbors. Through the development of a physical location where Christian fellowship, good works, and generous acts of kindness can be seen across an array of non-profit ministries and for-profit Christian businesses, we hope to offer our neighbors a small taste of the Kingdom of God.
City on a Hill
Informational Booklet
I hope you read this entire document as important details are contained within it. However, I realize that you may not have time to do so until later, so I am providing you with this summary. We have noticed a trend in our city and in the entire nation. More and more people, especially those in the emerging generations, are less and less likely to ever walk through the doors of a church. There has been a severe downward trend in attendance within American churches since 2008. In our area, there are over 175,000 souls living within a reasonable commute to Cornerstone and our sister churches. However, only 20,000 (or little more than 10%) of these neighbors are attending a Gospel-centered church!
This low percentage has not improved over the years, even with newer and bigger churches being planted in our area. This is because most of the harvest occurring in these churches has come through re-churched growth among the formerly churched or transfer growth among churched individuals who are leaving once-thriving but now declining churches. Unfortunately, this is not exactly the entire goal Jesus had in mind when He gave us His Great Commission to reach the lost and totally unchurched. When it comes to the 90% who have no connection to the Church, and therefore will likely never feel comfortable to come to a church building, Christ has clearly called us to go to them instead of waiting for them to come to us.
Our City on a Hill vision is to create a visible and tangible space in our city that will bless the entire population of Yuba-Sutter. We desire to purchase or lease an existing structure that will have a playground and other opportunities for children and families, a biblical counseling center, and a marketplace for local entrepreneurs that becomes a city center in which our neighbors can take pride. We believe that as we serve and rub shoulders with the 90% unchurched in Yuba-Sutter, a church community of brand new believers will organically form in that space. Jesus requires all of us to sacrifice for His mission to the lost, and this City on a Hill vision will require each of you to give of your time and money above and beyond what may have become normative or comfortable for you. God has blessed us with $1 million dollars in liquid assets. Since we will likely need more, we are starting a campaign on November 21st to raise $300,000 in 3 Months. We are expecting God “to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think.” (Eph. 3:20)
- Pastor Jason
Pop-up Playground & Potatoes Parties!
As we wait for the perfect location for our permanent location, we are offering Popup Playground and Potatoes parties as a place for our community to connect! These parties will be a perfect time for parents to meet and form friendships while their kids play with Big Blue Blocks in a safe environment!
Potato Patoto Food Truck will be on location for lunch, and the first 50 meals will be free! Check out the Cornerstone City Center webste and follow our FB page for the schedule!